SNSD SeoHyun snap photos with EXO's Chanyeol and the Director of 'So I Married an Anti-Fan'

It's a wrap for the filming of SNSD SeoHyun's Chinese film titled 'So I Married an Anti-Fan' together with EXO's Chanyeol!

Commemorating it, here are her adorable pictures with Chanyeol, and their Director~

"SeoHyun: Final shoot of film #SoIMarriedanAntiFan completed well~^^ Heh Joonie and Irene's commemorative photo! Please look forward to the film a lot~~♡"

"SeoHyun: Thoughtful & kind #KimJeYoung director. Commemorative photo on last day of #SoIMarriedanAntiFan film shoot^^ I was so thankful to you~~^^♡"

You can see SeoHyun's picture, and know more about 'So I Married an Anti-Fan' here.

Seohyun's Instagram

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